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July 18, 2017
Stone Dragon Mountain
July 19, 2017

Blood and Plunder: No Peace Beyond the Line

Blood is on the horizon! The iron grip of Iberian Domination is eclipsing the 17th century Caribbean as the world races to seize its spoils. Join the emerging Dutch Republic as it battles for its place among the established European powers or defy foreign incursion as a Darien King in this expansion to Blood and Plunder, No Peace Beyond the Line.

No Peace Beyond the Line is the first major expansion for the Blood and Plunder miniatures game. This expansion will revolve around the No Peace Beyond the Line book that will feature:

  • Optional rules for playing games at a greater scale or with more than two players
  • A campaign system
  • Special characters that players will be able to add to units
  • New units and factions for the existing nationalities
  • New nationalities including the Dutch and Native Caribbeans

Kickstarter Link:

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BoardCrunch Writer

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