Tiny Wastelands: Post-Apocalyptic Minimalist Roleplaying
July 13, 2017
Dark Obelisk 2: Character Compendium for Pathfinder RPG
July 15, 2017

MADCAP: Screwball Cartoon RPG for Tabletop

Back again for the first time, despite popular demand… it’s the singular, particular, jugular and avuncular MADCAP, the role-playing game of cartoon screwball action! It’s the game that stars the best person we could find on short notice: YOU. And you’ll have a supporting cast of your friends, your compatriots, your hangers-on, your contemporaries — heck, anyone who could hold a pencil by the right end, they could play this game with you!

Kickstarter Link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/sanguine/madcap-screwball-cartoon-role-play-for-tabletop

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