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November 20, 2023

High-quality models for 3D printing: 72mm and 32mm. Print / Paint / Play / Collect - [currently $120 (120%) of $100 goal]
November 20, 2023

This pay what you want campaign is providing STL files of fantasy miniatures to be 3D printed. - [currently $171 (171%) of $100 goal]
November 20, 2023

STL files of highly detailed for 3D printing Terrain Tabletop games, wargames and other RPG Medieval 28mm - [currently €60 (120%) of €50 goal]
November 20, 2023
![Midknight Heroes, The Expansion [Yin and Yang] Click here to view Midknight Heroes, The Expansion [Yin and Yang]](https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/assets/042/982/554/0ffcdf437de3fba1cdd4c742803cf156_original.jpg?ixlib=rb-4.1.0&crop=faces&w=160&h=90&fit=crop&v=1699394371&auto=format&frame=1&q=92&s=d54af4a5c2f580952c1cec4ad7947373)
It's time for the Pandorains of Shinsunai to enter the world of Super Chibi Quest. Wisdom, patience, and a good treats are in order! - [currently $10 (5%) of $200 goal]