Welcome to the Button Men campaign! We are in the final hours and hoping to unlock a few more stretch goals before we close!
So far, we’ve unlocked a system logo button for the core game at $45k, a “Mutton Ben” button in the funvelope at $55k, a Fight City Mapple map at $60k, and additional cards for the funvelope at $65k.
Next up are Button Murderers from Kill Doctor Lucky at $70k, a Skully patch (the “o” in Button Men) at $75k, and Button Men Pairs at $80k! We’ll also unlock a Button Men coin at $85k and bring Fight City back at $95k. You can read more about these in Update #10.
Kickstarter Link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cheapassgames/button-men-beat-people-up