Burst My Bubble
July 2, 2017
Helionox: Deluxe Edition
July 3, 2017

Culinary Magic Cookbook for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

Many would argue that cooking is not just uniquely human, it is what makes us human. Cooking gave us bigger brains and the free time to tinker and socialize.

If not for cooking, we wouldn’t gather around tables to roll dice, laugh, make stories together, and bicker about attacks of opportunity. So I think we owe it to cooking to make it an integral part of Pathfinder and something that anyone from Grog’Huk the Barbarian and Abracadabra the Wizard can do.

Kickstarter Link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1456806822/culinary-magic-cookbook-for-the-pathfinder-rolepla

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