Star Realms Frontiers
August 28, 2017
Omenass: Hand of Destiny. Solve your disputes the fun way
August 30, 2017

Hand of Glory: Modular Magnetic Gaming Miniatures

How you think about gaming miniatures is about to change

Hand of Glory is a new type of gaming miniature with a very cool twist: each Hand of Glory figure and accessory is magnetized using tiny rare-earth magnets. This means for the first time, you will be able to change your character on the fly. This will literally change the game! Since everything in the Hand of Glory line is magnetized, your character can swap out weapons and items to use whatever your adventure calls for. Since all accessories work with all figures, you can easily customize your character’s loadout and pick up new items along your journey. You can level up your character, swap weapons with allies, and steal items from foes. Use Hand of Glory to tell your own story.

Kickstarter Link:

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BoardCrunch Writer

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