Mixtape Massacre: The Black Masque Expansion
July 22, 2017
Pulsar Event: Battle Card Game
July 24, 2017

Resin 32mm MK1881 Elf Fantasy Football teams (Pro/Dark/Wood)

STRETCH GOAL #2 ($5250 – LOCKED) – Free set of 3 blocking dice and football ring for each backer at the 1 team level or higher.

STRETCH GOAL #1 ($3000 – UNLOCKED) – Free Star Players and a Head Coach model added to all 3 Elf teams!   Also unlocked and added a separate pack of the 8 Star Players and Coach.


This KickStarter is a joint venture between MK1881 and Impact! Miniatures to bring three incredible looking metal Fantasy Football teams from MK1881 into affordable resin for half the price of the metal teams to give more gamers the opportunity to own these great models. The resin versions of these models will be molded from original masters that MK1881 produced to create the new resin molds.   Stretch goals reached will add free star players or sideline staff to the teams.

Kickstarter Link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/674003445/resin-32mm-mk1881-elf-fantasy-football-teams-pro-d

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BoardCrunch Writer

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