STRETCH GOAL #3 – $15.400 UNLOCKED – Every backer who has pledged for any reward level other than the $1 reward level will be given a free set of blocking dice or a gridiron ball ring with their reward (your choice of which one and if you get the dice you get to pick the color)
STRETCH GOAL #2 – $13,000 UNLOCKED – A cheerleader from the Deluxe add-on package will be include with every Deluxe team in your reward for free (so Deluxe teams will have 3 total cheerleaders). A free random miniature from the Deluxe add-on will be added to all Standard teams selected as part of your reward.
STRETCH GOAL #1 – $11,000 UNLOCKED – Volmarian markers and Centaur prone & stunned counter set included in the add-on list for $5 for a set of all 3.
Kickstarter Link: