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November 19, 2023

A high energy race to complete your own crossword puzzle. - [currently $0 (0%) of $3,200 goal]
November 19, 2023

Self-printable figures for a North Pole one-shot. Stretch goals include a battlemat and a module as well--scalable for your party! - [currently $0 (0%) of $500 goal]
November 19, 2023

3D-printable, fully supported STL files of collectable mini statues. - [currently $0 (0%) of $50 goal]
November 19, 2023

STL 200+ Viking, Saxon & Frankish army units in 15mm (pre-supported) and 28mm (unsupported) scale for 3D printing! - [currently $250 (50%) of $500 goal]